Metaverse Canvas

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Design and analyze businesses in the Metaverse

The Metaverse Canvas
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Mastering Metaverse Canvas

The Metaverse Canvas is a tool for visionaries, innovators and challengers focused on the development of projects in the Metaverse. This method, taken from the successful management book Metaverse Business Models, is applied in leading organisations and start-ups all over the world.

Metaverse Canvas Academy

Mastering Metaverse Canvas

Don't just observe the possibilities - start acquiring the in-demand skills to succeed as the metaverse evolves.

Our comprehensive online programs provide over 16 hours of specialized training covering:

Why use the Metaverse Canvas?

Map Existing Metaverse Models

Map existing metaverse models

Visualise and communicate a simple
story of your business model in
the metaverse.


Design new metaverse model

Use the canvas to explore new
metaverse models whether you are a
start-up or an existing business.

Metaverse Business Models

Metaverse Business Models

Metaverse Business Models is the definitive book for those who want to be at the forefront of the digital revolution and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the metaverse.

This book will guide you in understanding the unique features of this new virtual environment and provide you with tools and strategies to develop a strong presence in the metaverse.

You will learn how to create enriching experiences for your customers, how to integrate virtual and augmented reality technology into your marketing strategies, and how to monetize in the metaverse through different business models.

To develop the different business models, this book explains them through the metaverse canvas. With this design thinking tool, you will learn to develop effective strategies for your presence in the metaverse, design enriching experiences for your customers, and monetize in this virtual environment.

Metaverse Canvas

Metaverse Canvas

Metaverse Canvas is the book for those who want to make a difference in the Metaverse, creating products and services adapted to the new virtual channel.

This book will guide you step by step on how to develop a value proposition adapted to the demands of the audience of the virtual channel and taking advantage of the advantages of the Metaverse.

Building on the knowledge from the first book, Metaverse Business Models, the combination of the two will allow you not only to design a winning product or service, but also to find the best monetisation strategy.

Our Latest Blogs


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To turn your visions into reality, specialized training in metaverse development is key. Whether you’re new to 3D design or...
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The Future is Here: Trends Redefining Business in the Metaverse

The metaverse represents an extraordinary opportunity for companies to expand into new digital domains. However, it is also a nascent...
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Transform Your Business with the Metaverse: An Executive Course

Offered by the Metaverse Canvas, this specialized program provides executives, directors and decision makers with the framework and knowledge to...
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A Guide for Chief Metaverse Officers: How to Lead Your Company’s Transformation

The metaverse represents an unprecedented opportunity for companies looking to expand into new digital spaces and experiences. However, succeeding in...
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Success Stories: Companies Applying the Metaverse Canvas in the Metaverse

The metaverse represents a wealth of opportunities for companies looking to expand into new digital spaces and experiences. However, succeeding...
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The Top 5 Courses to Get Started in the Metaverse

The metaverse is one of the most exciting emerging technologies today. This vast network of virtual worlds promises new opportunities...
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The Metaverse Canvas: The Ultimate Guide for Business in the Metaverse

The metaverse represents an extraordinary opportunity for companies looking to expand into new digital spaces. However, succeeding in this emerging...
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Tesla in the Metaverse: Re-imagining Test Drives with Virtual Technology

Dive into Part 1 of our series where we explore Tesla's potential in the metaverse and how, through the Metaverse...
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Unraveling the Symbiosis of AI and the Metaverse

Explore the groundbreaking intersection of AI and the Metaverse in our detailed analysis. Discover how Artificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the...
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What is a Chief Metaverse Officer

Discover what is a Chief Metaverse Officer and why businesses need one to successfully transition into the virtual world, staying...
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The Metaverse and the immersive experience

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What is Metaverse Marketing?

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What is the Metaverse? Everything You Need to Know

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